Apothékary is the world's first plant-based “farmacy” getting to the root cause of our health issues, not just treating the symptom. Leah worked with Apothékary to create informational and entertaining content around herbal products that help improve health and vitality. She also edited countless blogs written by clinical herbalists and a doctor to ensure clear brand voice, structure, and substantiated health claims with credible scientific studies.
The Complete Guide to Our Mental Health-Supporting Herbal Blends
“This may be stating the obvious, but mental health is important. And while it's being recognized as an integral part of health more than ever (the WHO even says "there is no health without mental health"), that doesn't mean it is any easier to achieve.
If anything, finding optimal mental health these days feels harder. The pressure to succeed, achieve "balance," show up for friends and family as the best version of yourself, all while navigating digital overload, a climate crisis, social and political issues coming to a head, and oh yeah—trying to get eight hours of sleep! If you want to wrap yourself in a gravity blanket after reading that, have no fear. We've rounded up all of Apothékary's blends made specifically for improving various facets of mental health that will support you wherever your mind's at.”
Editing Samples
Leah worked directly with clinical herbalists and medical practitioners to edit blog content they wrote independently, ensuring clear brand voice, structure, and substantiated health claims backed by credible scientific studies.
Editing Samples:
The articles below are currently inactive due to website changes. Please reach out if you’d like more samples! -Leah
How to Approach That Sober Curious Lifestyle with Confidence
“Whether you're celebrating, socializing, or stress-relieving, the go-to party guest is usually alcohol. Ding-dong, who's there? Wine. Cocktails. Hard seltzer. Moonshine? Ok, I see you! But chances are if you've made it this far into this paragraph, you may have considered cutting back on alcohol or trying a sober curious lifestyle. …”
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Real Talk: Seasonal Affective Disorder
“The days are shorter, nights are longer, and the pandemic has now remixed herself more times than Lady Gaga. It feels like all the odds are against us feeling good this time of year, and our greatest enemy is SAD — Seasonal Affective Disorder, that is. …”
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All images/media assets by Apothékary